Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Ok this is not flaming anyone but seriously i am damn piss at people not doing their work.

If you people WANT to get a BIG A for your PW can you all put some effort?
STOP making the rest doing OT to cover your crap, yes PI and EOM is over but please, the WR is one of the key to A and do not think by just doing small things like finding LINKS and giving ideas WILL BE SUFFICENT TO GET A AAAAAAAAAA! I m so pissed man, and for god sake dont give stupid and silly reasons like Phone phobia, i m sick, art lesson bla bla, ITS A LEVEL MAN! So your saying Uni chances are less important then such things? JUST POSTPONE THEM! This is not sec school Project liao ok? Powerpoints are redundant now, crapping do not give you a way out. If you do not want to have a A then jolly well go to the teacher and bloody drop the subject, DONT drag us down! Oh and one more thing, please do particpate in discussion, please do not sleep and say i am listening! ya right as if thats true, please we are not dumb people.

Pissed at such people. PLEASE WAKE UP!!! We are not covering your asses for you people unless you show some true commitment.

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